
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Friday, September 10, 2021

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Our school meaning and what they are


everything WAS EASY 


Monday, July 5, 2021

days of the week in te reo maori


it was hard to memorise it that why it was hard for me

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

cybersmart random poster!!!!!!!

we have been learning smart commenting


Friday, June 25, 2021

mojang tell me what this is !!!! weird world generation not seed found by me

 yo dude did I 
discover something new not kidding

Thursday, June 24, 2021

myths and legends by Aldrianne

in my reading group, I learned how to summarise. I have created a workbook about myths and legends as you can see. we have been learning about greek mythology and other gods and other legends like Maui and the sun for the last 3 weeks I've been learning about new myths and legends I know you might think I'm repeating myself. you: "you are"  and for three weeks again I have created a monster... just kidding a book on book creator in one of my books I wrote a  book about Maui and the sun I just hope my teacher thinks its enough writing .and in that book was the story of Maui and the sun and I will write the story right now on day Maui was like not "enough time to do our jobs" and his brothers like so what you going to do slow down the sun Maui was like "yEs" and hos brothers were like naaaaaaaaaaa mate but they still went to the east to slow down the sun. yes that's where the sun first rises and then when the sun rises they held him with a really strong rope and Maui hit him with A jaw bone it looked like a hook well yes he did slow down the sun well now back to the myths and legends thing well the C0Ol ThInG I learned was that it was said that priest CAN TALK TO GODS Idk wait let me check the ok so yes it said that they also have to protect some statue thing probably really important wait right there...clank..clank..OW.. wait NO...AAAAAA...starts crying AhA mY book says that there are very important to become a priest you're mother or father has to be a priest or u became a priest by a DYING priest yea... Dying and I made another book but I would rather keep quiet about the second book... and myths and legens some are true some just made up stories to keep their kids quiet and for other reasons really dont know why ok thats it for now see ya next time on my blog 

                  l go to my workbook hope u like it go on youtube and search buur




Friday, May 28, 2021


Wednesday, March 31, 2021

my cool easter basket net...

hi there this is my easter basket template looks cool right I hope u like it and happy Easter everyone

Friday, March 26, 2021